12 Disney Employees Were Asked: "What Is The Craziest Thing You've Ever Seen Happen In The Park?"

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3. I used to be a cast member at the Disney store in my local mall. We were required to greet everyone within 10 seconds of them entering the store.There used to be a game online that kids would play about getting to the back of the store, grabbing a stuffed animal from the" plush mountain" and get back up front before getting greeted. I saw this one teenager run across the store and dove head first in the mountain of stuffed animals... only to quickly find out that they were on risers. He was taken away on a stretcher but ended up being fine. And yes, I greeted him while he was in mid air so he lost the game.
- jerricurl22
4. I worked at Club Disney for the brief time it was open. We had codes we used on the radio headsets that were coordinated with character names. For instance, code Baloo meant there was blood that needed to be cleaned up immediately.
One day, I'm taking a stroll around the club to check on things when I spot a small boy about two years old taking a massive dump right in the middle of the play area. He sees me, starts to cry, and runs away with no clothing on the lower half of his body. I get on the radio and can't think of what to say as we hadn't discussed a code for "human feces in the play area and naked kid running around." So I just called, "I have a code Pooh situation in the play area and Piglet's on the loose."
- in_the_vortex

Number #5!