12 Disney Employees Were Asked: "What Is The Craziest Thing You've Ever Seen Happen In The Park?"

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5. I work at WDW as a Cast Member. The worst was one night during the fireworks exit, we had a bunch of twenty year olds being dumb asses on the resort platform.They start punching each other in the arms, being the usual pricks to each other. One of them ended up missing his friend and cold clocking a 12 year old girl. 12 year old girls dad had to be 6' 4" and 320 pounds. And built. I mean really built. It took 4 security guards and 2 orange county deputies to pull the guy off the bloody pulp that remained of the kid. His friend ended up jumping into the bushes to get away from one seriously angry father.
- monorail_pilot
6. I don't remember what attraction it was for but a little boy from Make-a-Wish got to go to the front of every line. This one lady saw it, and bitched so loud about how this little trash kid didn't deserve to cut in lines and a bunch of other bullshit. The look on the boy's parent's faces as nothing but nightmarish heartbreaking shit. I told the lady to get out of line and stop being such a bitch, explained that the kid was with Make-A-Wish. She apparently didn't care, and asked for a manager. Bitches to manager. She is banned from WDW.
Number #7!