12 Disney Employees Were Asked: "What Is The Craziest Thing You've Ever Seen Happen In The Park?"

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7. I worked in Tomorrowland attractions at WDW. Once I noticed a Down Syndrome child waiting in the back hallway - not a normal place for guests. I figured he was waiting on his party to finish riding. I was bumped out of my position for a break 5-10 minutes later and he was still there. I got him to walk down to the unload area with me figuring his family was probably freaking out about where he was. No one was down there waiting for him. I waited for 15 minutes and realized his family was not on the ride. After calling managers and coordinators conducting a search throughout Tomorrowland we found his family riding Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin. They just left him at Space! I have never been so upset at work.
- Imgray
8. Used to work attractions at Anaheim Dland. On the Indiana Jones Adventure there are 3 48" height checkpoints which small guests must hit, and there's often drama here. One of the lowest points in my Disney career was having to height check a midget. I couldn't make eye contact. All he said was, "Really?" and I hung my head in shame and nodded.
- haikuupbutt
Number #9!